Top Ten Tuesday: Future ReReads Inspired By Fellow Bloggers

Top Ten Tuesday #17

Hey there, book fam! It’s been a hectic week to say the least…and it’s only Tuesday. I’ve had so much going on recently that I feel as if every element of my life (work, chores, blogging, reading, etc) is behind. And I don’t know about you, but when I get super behind I tend to want to shut down and ignore it all. Basically this is me:And I’m hoping by admitting this to you wonderful people that I’ll suck it up, put my head down, and just get the dang thing done! #Adulting

Let’s move on to something lighter, shall we? As y’all know, TOP TEN TUESDAY is now being hosted by Jana at ThatArtsyReaderGirl.Today’s prompt was “Books I Could Re-read Forever.” The thing is…I’m pretty sure if you follow my blog you’d know at least half of today’s prompt due to my frequent postings (HP, ACOMAF, Bright Side, The Deal <== seriously, I post about them a lot). So I decided to take a twist on the prompt and find my future Top Ten rereads based off of fellow bloggers’ TTT posts!. Basically, I’m going to pick out books Y’ALL chose, that I’ve been eyeing, but haven’t yet read, and trust that because they made your list that they might make mine too!  So here comes my Top Ten Future ReReads Inspired By Fellow Bloggers!

*It goes without saying that every blog featured in this post is written by an AMAZING person that I’ve often turned to for recs, fangirling, and advice. You should do yourselves a favor and check them out if you haven’t already*


1) Scythe & Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman

This dystopian series was recommended by Danielle at Life of a Literary Nerd. Danielle does a lot of her rereading via audio books, and I think that’s a great way to re-experience some of our favorite literary worlds.

2) An Ember in the Ashes & A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir

This SFF trilogy was recommended by Nicole over at A Myriad of Books. Nicole (also known as the sweetheart that hosted the contest that won me a signed ARC of Invictus!!!) pointed out that this beloved series is getting it’s final installment in June, so what better time to jump on the bandwagon and start reading this??

3) Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta

This mystery standalone was recommended by Holly a.k.a. Nut Free Nerd. Clearly, a lot of us embrace our nerdom here! Anyways, this book has been on my shelf for ages and after reading Holly’s description, I think I need to bump it up the list pronto.

4) Stalking Jack the Ripper & Hunting Prince Dracula by Kerri Maniscalco 

This historical trilogy — well, at least the first installments — was recommended by Nicole over at Away in Neverland. Nicole’s posts are always filled with beautiful photos, which help display the power of cover art and it’s ability to lure you in!

5) The Secret History by Donna Tartt

This psychological thriller was recommended by Jolien at The Fictional Reader. Y’all, I’m not going to lie I had this book in my dorm room in college so it’s downright shameful I haven’t read it yet. I’ve seen it popping up here and there over the past few months, and I really am going to try to commit to this twisted read in 2018.bc2

6) A Million Junes by Emily Henry 

This Romeo & Juliet retelling was recommended by Cassie at Rants and Raves of a Bibliophile. Beyond the fact that this magical realism story looks legit, Cassie also listed The Deal (see above) in her rereads, so I’m thinking our minds are on the same page.

7) The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden

Although she only mentioned book 1, I’m confident the sequel to this magical fairy tale trilogy would also be reread material for Melanie over at Mel to the Any. I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about this series, and once my new Audible credit pops up, I’m going to be listening along to this intricate tale.

8) Allegedly by Tiffany D. Jackson

This haunting and emotional read was recommended by Alicia at A Kernel of Nonsense. This is one of those books that seems to be loved by so many, yet talked about by so few. Like others on this list, I’m making it a priority to check it out asap!

9) The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson series) by Rick Riordan]

I’m not sure whether it was Ash, Lo, or both of the lovely ladies who run Windowsill Books that recommended this cherished series. This is the mega series of my youth that I felt everyone read but me. I’ve always felt it was “too late” to start them now, but they popped up on a lot of people’s lists this week, so maybe I need to just give it a go.

10) The Thief (The Queen’s Thief quartet) by Megan Whalen Turner

Speaking of thieves, this action-packed fantasy series has been sitting on my wish list for far too long. Recommended by the team at Meet the World, the debut novel is apparently “the most amazing thing” they’ve ever read. Maybe one day…

Hope you enjoyed checking out my future re-reads and some amazing blogs! Have you read any of this week’s books? Which were your favorites? Where should I start? Hope you all have a wonderful week!

And, as always: Happy Reading!

27 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Future ReReads Inspired By Fellow Bloggers

    • Nerd Narration says:

      Thank you so much! I’m waiting for next month’s Audible credit because the setting of the story seems like it would be so much more impactful with a Russian dialect weaving the tale.


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