Holiday ADVENTure 2018: December 7

Book nerds!!!



We made it through the first week of my #HolidayADVENTure2018!! 

When I first came up with this idea I wasn’t sure anyone would get it, but y’all continue to prove my worries wrong, and I couldn’t be more thankful!

I’ve got a super busy weekend ahead of me (2 birthday dinners, 1 social engagement, Christmas shopping, and more!), but I’m really hoping I can spend a good chunk of time getting ALL of week 2’s posts drafted so I have less time-sensitive stress during the week! Think I can get it done???

Goals & plans aside, it’s time to dive back in and check out the next stop in my holiday-themed series! In case you missed the previous posts here’s a quick recap:

From Dec. 1 to Dec. 25, I’ll be highlighting one content creator that has made an impact in my bookish life. Each post will feature a mini bio on the day’s selected star, all of the links to their fabulous content, and a special holiday-themed glimpse into their lives.


Are we ready to peek behind door #7 on my Holiday ADVENTure and see who it is??holly


Destiny from Howling Libraries!

July 6, 2017 is when the game changed for me. I decided that I wanted to start taking blogging seriously, but I didn’t know where to start.

52B44F36-2686-4828-97AF-F1247015961FOnce I gathered up the courage, I decided to message three creators that had accounts I admired where I basically begged them for guidance. Two of which — to this day — have never gotten back to me. Destiny messaged me a 6+ paragraph response WITHIN THE HOUR! And I think that says more about Destiny than anything else I’ll be able to in this short bio.

This determined Gryffindor continued to guide me through all the newbie basics: ARCs, buddy reads, stat questions, and any bookish tips I’ve needed along the way! She’s also often been on the other end of ranty Twitter messages, and not only does she not make me feel watchful of my words, but she often also seconds my opinions! That kind of friendship takes years to develop in the “real world” and I’m so beyond thankful I found it so quickly in my bookish community.

But beyond all that, this Georgia-based meme queen’s (seriously she’s won awards for it!) seemingly omnipresent nature is what blows me away the most! In addition to posting atmospheric photos on her bookstagram account and posts on her aesthetically-pleasing blog…DAILY…she’s also managed to balance marriage, a toddler, grad school, a new puppy, AND 275+ reads THIS YEAR ALONE! 😲 Like move over Wonder Woman, Destiny’s claiming your title! Seriously it’s simply mind boggling how she’s able to do so much, help out so many, and still be a nice person. You’d think all that (assumed) sleep deprivation would make her cranky. If you haven’t encountered Destiny in your bookish journey yet, feel free to check out her platforms below:



1) What is your favorite thing to do around the holidays/favorite holiday tradition?

My favorite holiday tradition is something my parents started when I was a toddler, and I’ve carried it on with my own son: driving around town, looking for Christmas lights! I’ve always loved going through neighborhoods and trying to find houses that have been decorated, because it’s like a little scavenger hunt of sorts. We always play Christmas music on the radio and sip hot cocoa while we do it!candy-line

2) What is your favorite holiday scent? Or favorite holiday movie if you don’t have a fave scent? 

I don’t have just one favorite holiday scent, but my favorite holiday movie is Elf.

I watch it every single December, usually two or three times, and it never stops making me laugh! My family and I quote it constantly, too.


3) What is your favorite holiday drink or dish?

My favorite holiday drink is peppermint cocoa, and my favorite holiday dish is my mom’s cornbread dressing. She puts pieces of chicken in it and it serves as an entree or a side. It’s so cozy, and filling, and delicious!candy-line

4) What is your favorite holiday jam?

I’m really picky about my Christmas music, because I don’t tend to care much for the classics or heavily played pop songs (*cough* Mariah Carey *cough*), so every Christmas, I dig through Spotify playlists and find the most unique Christmas music I can. Several years ago I found “I Hear the Bells” by Mike Doughty and it’s been my favorite ever since, but I’m also really fond of Pentatonix Christmas albums.


5) What is the number 1 book you hope Santa/family friend brings you?

I think Santa is bringing me the Deluxe Collector’s Edition of Faeries by Brian Froud, and I’m hoping I’m right!

I’d also love to find the new Sailor Moon Eternal Edition #1 under my tree.


6) What is something you’re thankful for in 2018?

The incredible online family I’ve found through the book community. I’ve made so many new friends and met incredible people all over the place, and I am eternally grateful for all of these wonderful people in my life (like you, Taylor!). 😊😊


7) What’s one of your goals for 2019?

I think my biggest goal for 2019, aside from pursuing better self-care and mental health, is to give Booktube a try. I’ve been wanting to start making videos for a really long time (even before Booktube, I spent years considering a makeup channel), and I want to finally give it a try in 2019, so wish me luck!candy-line

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Dec. 1: Kaleena🎄Dec. 2: Meeghan🎄Dec. 3: Heather🎄Dec. 4: Mia🎄Dec. 5: Spencer🎄Dec. 6: Nicole🎄Dec. 7: Destiny

candy-lineWeek one of my #HolidayADVENTure2018 has come and gone, y’all! I hope you’re growing to love this series — and the creators featured — as much as I do! Destiny is such a sweetheart and I hope you enjoyed learning more about her and her festive traditions! Happy holidays and happy reading!




35 thoughts on “Holiday ADVENTure 2018: December 7

  1. Kaleena @ Reader Voracious says:

    Destiny is seriously such a damn wonderful human and I consider myself so blessed to have her in my life. I am not surprised AT ALL that she responded to you so promptly and gave you advice, she is such a caring and passionate blogger, and the fact she makes time for so many of us plus her RL stuff baffles me.

    I love looking at holiday lights and cocoa, too!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. bookishinbed says:

    I seriously can’t get over this series. It’s such a great idea. I always enjoy seeing people gush about others. It just shows how loving our community can be. Plus Destiny is an amazing human being so it was fun learning more about her.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Nerd Narration says:

      Destiny has and (hopefully) always will be my go-to guide for this crazy bookish world. I’m so thankful that one moment of reaching out lead to our friendship. I hope you enjoy her blog because the aesthetics are in a word: goals!


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