Holiday ADVENTure 2018: December 9

Good morning, book nerds!!HOLIDAY ADVENTURE REAL

By the time you’re reading this I’ll be back at work…womp womp…but I DO plan on checking comments and updates during lunch/while making copies. So do your thing and keep me entertained please!!

Due to my “free day” on Saturday, I’m not only double posting today (stay tuned!!), but I’m also posting pretty quickly since Michaela’s stop along my #HolidayADVENTure yesterday! So if you aren’t a late-night reader definitely give her post some love!

A few new followers joined in to this holiday-themed series yesterday, so in case you missed the previous posts here’s a quick recap:

From Dec. 1 to Dec. 25, I’ll be highlighting one content creator that has made an impact in my bookish life. Each post will feature a mini bio on the day’s selected star, all of the links to their fabulous content, and a special holiday-themed glimpse into their lives.


It’s a fine time to see who’s behind door #9 on my Holiday ADVENTure!holly


Siobhan from Siobhan’s Novelties!

Keeping with the international theme established in Michaela’s post, it’s time to add another stamp to our passports as we visit Siobhan (sh-vawn) in Canada! 🇨🇦Screen Shot 2018-12-10 at 12.01.27 AM.png

Sibby (as she also goes by) is a publishing student that started her blog around two and half years ago as a way to gain experience for her future field. Luckily for us, she kept at it, and now we can visit one of my favorite bloggers any time we want! 🙌

A fantasy-genre fan, Sibby is one of the kindest and most supportive friends I’ve had the pleasure of meeting in 2018! Beyond her sweet nature and complimentary comments, she consistently publishes highly interactive posts. And while the tags she writes up are entertaining, one of my favorite parts of her blogging platform is her #BeyondTheBlurb discussion posts. Tackling everything from why female leads deserve the same respect as their male counterparts to tougher issues like addressing sexual assault in YA, and blogging with a mental illness, her honest chats are often eye opening and thought provoking

If you haven’t had the chance to interact with this Night Court-loving reader yet, feel free to check out her links below:


1) What is your favorite thing to do around the holidays/favorite holiday tradition?

My family used to go around town looking at the Christmas light displays down my town’s oldest road. Many cars would line up, and children’s faces, including my own, would be plastered to the car door’s windows. You could not see a single sad face. Everyone loved it.candy-line

2) What is your favorite holiday scent? Or favorite holiday movie if you don’t have a fave scent? 

One of my favourite scents is freshly baked cookies. Cookies are meant to be warm when you eat them.candy-line

3) What is your favorite holiday drink or dish?

Hot chocolate! I cannot get enough of it, especially if it has a huge dollop of whipped cream. But the second favourite is hot cider. Those two will warm your soul.  candy-line

4) What is your favorite holiday jam?

Honestly, I’m not sure. I enjoy most of them, but “Silent Night” is a fave. But I’m liking the new remixes of the old Christmas songs though. Since there are so many remakes, especially not new ones, of the song, I enjoy this one from Kelly Clarkson:


5) What is the number 1 book you hope Santa/family friend brings you?

I’ve been waiting for this hard question.😂 I’d love either the Nevernight and Godsgrave or my own copy of The Wicked King.

I’d probably die a happy reader/blogger if I got the latter.    candy-line

6) What is something you’re thankful for in 2018?

Honestly, this community, my blogger friends, my internship, and family and friends. If I didn’t have any of you in my life right now, it’d be rather dull. You keep me fighting, keep me surviving, and let me find hope when I thought I’d never find it. candy-line

7) What’s one of your goals for 2019?

I’d love to expand my blog. Over the last several months, it has exploded. And I’d love to see what else I can improve and do! But more importantly, I want to find a better balance in life with my mental illnesses.candy-lineScreen Shot 2018-12-10 at 12.18.28 AM

Dec. 1: Kaleena🎄Dec. 2: Meeghan🎄Dec. 3: Heather🎄Dec. 4: Mia🎄Dec. 5: Spencer🎄Dec. 6: Nicole🎄Dec. 7: Destiny🎄Dec. 8: Michaela🎄Dec. 9: Siobhan 

candy-line I hope this got you in a holly, jolly mood this Monday morning and that you enjoyed learning about Siobhan and how she spends her holidays in Canada! Make sure you come back this afternoon for today’s stop along my #HolidayADVENTure! TRUST me you won’t want to miss it!! Happy holidays and happy reading!




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